Java is categorized into 3 types:
- J2SE ( Java2 Standard Edition)
- J2EE ( Java2 Enterprise Edition)
- J2ME ( Java2 Micro/Mobile Edition)
Core Java:-
- Core Java is the basic of Java programming technology concept.
- This basic concepts in Java is normally referred as 'Core Java' programming.
- The Core Java comprises the Single Tier Architecture.
- The Core Java programming interfaces are the basic foundation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition .
- The Core Java concept used in all classes of Java programming, i.e from Java EE applications to desktop applications.
- The Core Java comprises util, lang, awt, io and net packages.
- The Core Java covers OOPS Concepts, Wrapper Classes, Special Operators, Data types, exception Handling, Stack, Linked List, Queue, Array List.
- Mostly all packages of "Core Java" started with 'java.lang..'
- In Core Java we don't have any solutions for dynamic process but still Core Java is a very efficient for developers and this is the strong basement for applications.
- Core Java means "stand -alone" java application.
Advanced Java:-
- Advanced Java is the next advanced level concept of Java programming.
- This high level java programming basically uses two Tier Architecture i.e Client and Server.
- The 'Advanced Java' comprises the very complex advanced programming.
- The advanced java programming covers the Swings, Socket Programming, AWT, Thread Concepts as well as the Collection objects and classes.
- "Advanced Java" is nothing but specialization in domains such as web, networking, data base handling.most of the packages "Advanced Java" are always start with 'javax.servlet..'
- All the event handling mechanism of Java comes into the Advanced Java programming.
- Advanced Java is used for developing the web based application and enterprise application.
- Advanced Java is specialization in some domain , as someone in networking,web,DCOM,or data base handling.
- Advanced Java has complete solution for dynamic processes which has many frameworks design patterns servers mainly JSP.
- Advanced Java means java application that run on servers means these are the web application.