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package system does not exist

Very simple error ‘package system does not exist’- most probably you have used ‘err’ or ‘in’ or ‘out’ field of the ‘System’ class of ‘java.lang’ package but you have given small s instead of capital S in the class name System.

See the below code:

public class PackageSystemDoesNotExistError
public static void main(String args[])
system.out.println("package system does not exist error"); // here s is small

But in the following code:

public class PackageSystemDoesNotExistErrorSolved
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("package system does not exist error solved");//S is capital

Though System is not a package, as you have written system.out.println – three parts here (system, out and println) a package like statement, Java compiler considers it as package but as this package doesn’t exist, the error message is shown.

So the solution is just change the small s of system to capital S.