30 Things that make Mr Perfect

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30 Things that make Mr Perfect

30 must have qualities that women seek in their ideal man. 

For a start,  he is expected to love shopping and watching TV soaps, the Daily Star reported. 

The survey, for clothing store Austin Reed, revealed that the ideal partner checklist also includes having a stylish dressing sense and a hair-free chest. 

The list includes: 

Six foot tall. 

Muscly, toned and athletic. 

Brown eyes. 

Short, dark hair. 

Smart dress sense. 

A beer or lager drinker. 

A non-smoker. 

Wears smart jeans, shirt and V-neck jumper. 

Gets ready in 17 minutes. 

Earns around 48,000 pounds a year. 

Wants a family. 

Loves shopping. 

Eats meat. 

Watches soaps. 



Enjoys watching football. 

Drives an Audi


Earns more than his partner. 

Jokes around and has a laugh. 

Sensitive when you are upset. 

Tells you he loves you only when he means it. 

Admits it when he looks at other women. 

Has a driving licence. 

Can swim. 

Can ride a bike. 

Can change a tyre. 

Rings his mother regularly.