If you really want to know whether your spouse loves you, start noticing how often she hugs or kisses you!
A new survey by the University of Texas claims that women are less likely to nag their husbands and give more hugs and kisses if they are in love, the 'Daily Mail' reported . The research found that men are not naturally romantic and would display affection by contributing in household chores or getting frisky in the bedroom.
The survey which questioned 168 couples about their marriages also stated that its men who express their feelings in different ways to women . While women show love by hiding negative thoughts and feelings, men contribute to a successful marriage by spending more time on shared activities like doing the washing up or initiating sexual activity, the study said.
The participatory couples were asked about four points in their marriage - two months after their wedding, on the their first and second anniversaries and then 13 years later.
The study found that women 'seem to show love by tending to the emotional climate of their marriages' while a man's love 'appears to create an environment that draws spouses together in activity' . Women concentrated on a healthy emotional relationship for the good of their marriage by suppressing negative thoughts and feelings, the study said.
Husbands who are more in love were more likely to suggest intercourse with their wives which researchers claimed supported the view that it is 'an important channel through which men express loving feelings'.